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Simina & Titus

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“Simina & Titus” – Family and Friends

People coming from all over the world to see them in their splendour, bathed by the sun, in the breeze of the autumn wind. People who care about family values, principles and true friendship. Parents expecting them with tears of joy in their eyes to spend their beautiful event.

What makes this clip special and different from all the others?

The originality of the brides and their natural way of being, the simplicity of the living, the sincerity of the feelings and last but not least the friendship that binds me to them, Simina and Titus, people who have given us both me and my wife the pleasure and the honor to participate in their wonderful event, as godparents. The video of today is an exercise for me to express in the best possible way, in pictures, the moments spent that day, with the pressure of the emotions that took me, given my quality at this event.

Simina and Titus, Thank You for choosing the best videographer and of course, the very best friend and godfather! You’re awesome!

Oameni veniti din toate colturile lumii sa-i vada in splendoarea lor, scaldati de razele soarelui, in adierea vantului de toamna. Oameni ce tin la valorile familiei, la principii si prietenie adevarata. Parinti ce-i asteapta cu ochii in lacrimi de bucurie, pentru a petrece frumosul eveniment.

Ce face ca acest clip sa fie deosebit fata de toate celelalte?

Originalitatea mirilor si felul lor natural de a fi, simplitatea trairilor, sinceritatea sentimentelor si nu in ultimul rand prietenia ce ma leaga de ei, Simina si Titus, oameni ce ne-au oferit, atat mie cat si sotiei mele, prilejul si onoarea de a participa la minunatul lor eveniment, in calitate de nasi. Videoclipul de azi este un exercitiu pentru mine, pentru a exprima in imagini, cat mai bine cu putinta, clipele petrecute in acea zi, cu presiunea emotiilor ce m-au cuprins, avand in vedere calitatea mea la acest eveniment.

Simina si Titus, Va multumesc!

Fotograf:  Mircea Marinescu